Our offers for adults
For educators
For teachers (including future teachers), social workers and all other educators, we offer training courses that allow you to delve deeper into our didactic concept.
Here you can familiarise yourself with the ZWEITZEUGEN educational approach - and thus how you can create low-threshold access to the topic of the Holocaust for children and young people through eyewitness accounts. Depending on the amount of time available, you can also familiarise yourself with some of our methods, book in-depth content, e.g. on the continuities of anti-Semitism, or develop ideas for your own work.
We offer training programmes ranging from three hours to several days. We are happy to tailor the training programme to your individual needs.
Educational material on the Middle East conflict
An overview of educational material that can help to hold discussions with children and young people about the current war and the Middle East conflict in general. Our suggestions are offers from specialist centres and experts from our network, which provide different formats, handouts and suggestions for specialists, parents and children.

For companies
Become a ZWEITZEUGEN company and help to ensure that the victims, events and lessons of the Holocaust are not forgotten.
You and your employees will be supporting our work against anti-Semitism and in favour of an accepting and open society! ZWEITZEUGEN e.V. will be happy to come to your company for workshops. We train your employees in our educational programmes for adults. The focus is on getting to know a (survival) life story of a contemporary witness of the Holocaust.
Historical background knowledge about the mechanisms of anti-Semitism and discrimination during the Nazi era forms the basis for discussing the question: What can we do today - as employees and companies - to promote an open and diverse society?
With our programmes, we can contribute to your CSR strategy or the achievement of your sustainable development goals.

For all other interested adults
Would you like to find out more about the ZWEITZEUGEN association and our work?
Do you have event and/or dialogue formats in which you would like to incorporate one of our presentations? We would be happy to introduce ourselves and our approach to your institution and engage in dialogue with you.
We look forward to hearing from you.
Your Contact Person
Lena Vogel
Head of Adult Education & International Affairs
For inquiries, please contact Lena Vogel via email: l.vogel@zweitzeugen.de