What is a ZWEITZEUGEN cooperation school?
A ZWEITZEUGEN cooperation school wants to preserve memories of contemporary witnesses to the Holocaust and at the same time assumes social responsibility today. It encourages children and young people to participate in a targeted way and to get involved in democracy and against anti-Semitism and racism.
ZWEITZEUGEN e.V. comes to your school at least once a year for arranged workshops. We agree on the conditions together. The goal is to enable and encourage children and young people to become secondary witnesses.
In addition, a ZWEITZEUGEN cooperation school enjoys the following benefits
- Exhibition catalog
- Badge: "ZWEITZEUGEN-Schule" (Secondary witness school)
- Advertising on our website as well as our logo for the school website
- One free digital event per year for teachers/parents/multipliers/film night
Who can become a ZWEITZEUGEN cooperation school?
Every school can contact us and together we will think about what you need and how we can enrich your educational work.
How do we become a ZWEITZEUGEN cooperation school?
Step 1
Find out more about ZWEITZEUGEN e.V. and our educational work on our website.
Step 2
Get in touch with Team Education (bildung@zweitzeugen.de). It doesn't matter if you are a student interested in us or if you are a teacher.
Step 3
Talk to your school administration, find funding partners together and get in touch with us.
Step 4
Book a workshop with Team Education and turn one or more classes into your school's first secondary witnesses.
Step 5
Your school administration and ZWEITZEUGEN e.V. sign the cooperation agreement. Now your school is a ZWEITZEUGEN cooperation school.
Our current cooperation schools
- Arnold-Freymuth-Gesamtschule (Hamm, NRW)
- Berufskolleg Senne (Bielefeld, NRW)
- Cuno Berufskolleg I (Hagen, NRW)
- Elsa-Brandström-Gymnasium (Oberhausen, NRW)
- Elsa-Brandström-Realschule (Essen, NRW)
- Europaschule (Kamp-Lintfort, NRW)
- Gemeinschaftsgrundschule Ricarda Huch (Köln, NRW)
- Gesamtschule Verl (Verl, NRW)
- GGS Böhmerstraße (Duisburg, NRW)
- GGS Eschenstraße (Duisburg, NRW)
- GGS Ricarda Huch (Köln, NRW)
- Gymnasium Corveystraße (Hamburg, Hamburg)
- Heinrich-Böll-Gesamtschule (Dortmund, NRW)
- Heinrich-Böll-Gesamtschule (Köln, NRW)
- Janusz-Korczak-Schule (Hagen, NRW)
- Johannes-Kepler-Schule (Viersen, NRW)
- Käthe-Kollwitz-Schule (Köln, NRW)
- Katholische Hauptschule Marl (Marl, NRW)
- KGS Bad Bevensen (Bad Bevensen, Niedersachsen)
- KGS St. Mauritius (Köln, NRW)
- Max-Windmüller-Gymnasium (Emden, Niedersachsen)
- Oberschule Berne (Berne, Niedersachsen)
- Paul Spiegel Berufskolleg (Dorsten, NRW)
- Realschule Hürth (Hürth, NRW)
- Realschule Waldbröl (Waldbröl, NRW)
- Robert-Koch-Realschule (Dortmund, NRW)
- Sophie Scholl Gesamtschule (Hamm, NRW)
- Städtische Gemeinschaftsgrundschule Eichendorff (Moers, NRW)
- Steinbart-Gymnasium (Duisburg, NRW)
- Steinhagener Gymnasium (Steinhagen, NRW)
- Willy-Brandt-Gesamtschule (Bochum, NRW)
- Wolfhelm-Gesamtschule der Städte Olfen und Datteln (Olfen, NRW)
ZWEITZEUGEN e.V. is according to § 78 SGB VIII a recognized provider of voluntary youth welfare. We are active in the field of youth welfare in the sense of § 1 SGB VIII and pursue non-profit goals. Due to our professional and personnel prerequisites, we expect to be able to make a not insignificant contribution to the fulfillment of the tasks of youth welfare and offer the guarantee of work that is conducive to the goals of our „Grundgesetz“ (Constitution). In addition, we have been active in the field of youth welfare for at least three years.