In order to make the work of our organisation and the use of the funds made available to us even more transparent, we have joined the Transparent Civil Society Initiative. We are committed to making the following information available to the public and keeping it up to date.
Name, registered office, address and year of foundation
Registered office: Essen
P.O. Box 1880, 32218 Bünde
Year of foundation: 2014Contact person:
Ruth-Anne Damm
1st chairwoman
00491605612448 -
Tax exemption
ZWEITZEUGEN e.V. is a non-profit organisation (tax number 112 / 5743 / 1279). We are exempt from corporation tax in accordance with § 5 Para. 1 No. 9 KStG because we exclusively and directly promote tax-privileged charitable purposes within the meaning of §§ 51 ff. AO.
Notice of exemption
(vom 08.01.2024; Veranlagungszeitraum 2022) -
Board of the association and management
Board of Directors
Ruth-Anne Damm (1st Chairwoman)
Sarah Hüttenberend (2nd Chairwoman)
Janika Raisch (3rd Chairwoman)
Melanie Schaumberg (Treasurer)
Dennis Poetsch (Assessor)Management Board
Nina Taubenreuther
Ruth-Anne Damm -
Staff structure
ZWEITZEUGEN e.V. has 22 employees, totalling around 12 full-time equivalents. There are also around 100 volunteers (as of 2024). These figures are of course constantly changing. If you are interested or need help, please contact
Source of funds
We provide detailed information on the source of funds in the impact report in the form of a financial report (statement of assets and liabilities and income statement) on pages 28 to 31:
Use of funds
We provide detailed information on the use of funds in the impact report in the form of a financial report (statement of assets and liabilities and income statement) on pages 28 to 31:
Corporate affiliation with third parties
ZWEITZEUGEN e.V. has no corporate affiliation with third parties.
Payments that account for more than 10 per cent of the total annual budget
In 2023, funding from the LVR - Landschaftsverband Rheinland accounted for more than 10 per cent of the total budget.
In 2021, funding from Aktion Mensch accounted for more than 10 per cent of the total budget.
Transparent Civil Society Initiative
The Transparent Civil Society Initiative (ITZ) promotes additional information that organisations that have joined the ITZ offer voluntarily and that goes beyond the statutory disclosure requirements for civil society organisations in Germany. To this end, the ITZ provides a framework for basic transparency in non-profit organisations. The requirements are deliberately kept low so that small and medium-sized organisations in particular can meet them without significant additional effort.
More information at (in German)