Vision & Mission

The personal life stories of Holocaust survivors can change our society. They help young people to understand history. Our part in this is not to let the stories of contemporary witnesses fall silent, but to enable and encourage as many (young) people as possible to pass them on as second witnesses.

Our vision

We believe in a world where people are not discriminated against because of their religion, appearance, origin or sexuality. We believe in an open and diverse society without anti-Semitism, which resists all beginnings of anti-human violence.

This is what the volunteers, full-time staff and members of the association are committed to together with cooperation and promotion partners.

Every person in Germany has an active part in an accepting, open and diverse society that no longer allows something like the Holocaust to happen.

Our mission

The contemporary witness Elie Wiesel once said: "Everyone who listens to a witness today will become a witness himself." Guided by this, ZWEITZEUGEN e.V. documents survival stories of the Holocaust in order to tell them to future generations as witnesses of the contemporary witnesses – as secondary witnesses. We will report on these impressive and courageous stories when the eyewitnesses themselves are no longer able to do so. In analog and digital educational projects, exhibitions, events and publications, we enable mainly children and young people from the age of ten on to gain personal access to the abstract topic of the Holocaust.

ZWEITZEUGEN e.V. encourages and empowers (young) people to actively stand up as secondary witnesses against anti-Semitism and other forms of discrimination today.

With the help of the survivors‘ stories, we raise awareness of anti-Semitism. Together, we establish a connection to our own lives and encourage people to pass on the stories as secondary witnesses, to become active themselves, and to take on social responsibility. In this way, we take responsibility for democracy and diversity in our society.

Again and again we are asked what our position is on Israel. The right of the state to exist is beyond question for us and this attitude is clear in every one of our actions.



Our association in numbers

  • 41,991

    children and teenagers have become “Zweitzeug*innen” through us

  • 15,906

    letters have been sent to the contemporary witnesses so far

  • 112

    volunteers participate in our association