An own exhibition

After learning about Sister Johanna's life story, the pupils created exhibition content under the self-imposed motto 'Be a Lioness', which will be presented from 24 September - 17 December 2023 at the Jewish Museum Westphalia, which Johanna once co-founded.
Based on the intensive examination of the biography of the Recklinghausen native, the young people wrote their own texts describing life before, during and after the time of persecution. They also explored the themes of strength, identity and empowerment and contributed their own life experiences and thoughts to the exhibition.
As a highlight of the project work, which took place over a kick-off project day and five school weeks of four hours each in face-to-face and online sessions, the young people created a stop motion film and recorded their own podcast episode, which is also included in the exhibition. The podcast not only tells Sister Johanna's life story, but also includes personal thoughts on Johanna's inspiring strength and the importance of remembrance culture today. The students also share the questions they would have liked to ask the contemporary witness who died in 2019.

The exhibition on Sister Johanna was made possible by the programme Das Zukunftspaket für Bewegung, Kultur und Gesundheit. The Future Package for Physical Activity, Culture and Health is a programme of the Federal Ministry for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth (BMFSFJ). It is implemented by the Gesellschaft für soziale Unternehmensberatung (gsub) and the SPI Foundation. The German Children and Youth Foundation (DKJS) is responsible for the "Child and Youth Participation in the Future Package" part of the programme.